Saturday, July 21, 2012

GUN Control NOW? Obama, Romney, SILENCE

Sat. July 21, 2012:     

                         [Tomorrow's Post = Entirely CONSERVATIVE Sources]

[After yesterday's shooting massacre in Aurora, Colorado,
the National Rifle Association issued a statement:

"Our condolences to the victims & their families.
No further comments at this time."

So far, the only politician to even mention "a new discussion" about Gun Control has been the
Democratic Congressman representing Aurora.
Not a word from Obama.  Not a word from Romney.


Last post mentioned bullying from the Right, cowardice from the Left.

Readers have called attention to 3 recent exceptions to the Left's cowardice -- but only in the form of
3 liberal NYT columns, from the safety of their computers:


"Perhaps in a better world we could count on the news media to sort through the conflicting claims.  In this world, however, most voters get their news from short snippets on TV, which almost never contain substantive policy analysis.  The print media do offer analysis pieces -- but these pieces, out of a desire to seem 'balanced,' all too often simply repeat the he-said-she-said of political speeches.

Trust me:  you will see very few news analyses saying that Mr. Romney proposes huge tax cuts for the rich, with no plausible offset other than big benefit cuts for everyone else -- even though this is the simple truth.  Instead, you will see pieces reporting that 'Democrats say' that this is what Mr. Romney proposes, matched with dueling quotes from Republican sources."
                                                                                             -- Paul Krugman, "Policy & the Personal"


"Aside from his time running the Salt Lake City Olympics, which he's happy to publicize, 
Romney's whole life, from his $250 million fortune to his tenure at the cultish Bain to his 
Mormonism, seems as though it's secreted in a hidden shelter." 
                                                                                   -- Maureen Dowd, "Who's On America's Side?"


"Tim Pawlenty:  'Courage to Stand' 

Pawlenty is said to have bonded with Romney when they were both passed over by John McCain in favor of Sarah Palin.  That seems like a sort of pathetic foundation on which to build a relationship,
but this book [Courage to Stand] demonstrates that the two men actually have a lot of other things in common.  

"For instance, they were both governors.  In Pawlenty's case, of Minnesota. ('Minnesota is an interesting place.')

"They are also both proud of having a lively sense of humor.  In his book, Pawlenty tells readers that once when he was introduced to a man who had just gotten a new hearing aid, he cracked up the room by 'moving my lips as if I were talking but without saying anything so he'd think something 
was wrong.' "

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